Community Economic Development & Skeena Energy Solutions
join our team
We’ve separated CED & SES into three main categories:
- Local Food Security,
- Energy, and
- Policy & Research.

Local Food Security
Regenerative Agriculture, Birch Water, Community Food Security Outreach & Education

Regional Energy Planning, Solar, Recycled Energy Garden, Biomass for heat & power

Policy & Research
Regional Energy Planning, Solar, Recycled Energy Garden, Biomass for heat & power
Community Energy Mentorship Program
UPDATE: We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

Skeena Energy Solutions, a project by the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, is a grass-roots initiative aimed at supporting alternative energy options that are suited to northern contexts, will sustain northern cultures, build local economies, and protect the watersheds we depend on for the long term.
This initiative was launched in late 2013 as a result of several proposals for gas and oil pipelines that would put our wild salmon economy and healthy watersheds at risk. Rather than just opposing bad development, SWCC decided to propose good development.
Over the years, our focuses have followed community direction. We now work with a diverse collection of partners, funders, organizations, and individuals to localize our food, shelter, energy, and economy projects.